[法] 口头审问,口试
1. 口试:英文口试 (ORAL EXAMINATION) 将於 1/11开始随堂举行. 内容包括个人面谈、 看图答问题两部份,敬请留意. 4. 英文口试 (ORAL EXAMINATION) 将於 1/11开始随堂举行. 内容包括个人面谈、 看图答问题两部份,敬请留意.
2. 口头讯问:口头形式 (-:-) orally | 口头讯问 (-:-) oral examination | 口头遗嘱 (-:-) oral will
3. 口述試験:Oil System || 滑油系統 || かつゆけいとう | Oral Examination || 口述試験 || こうじゅつしけん | Outer marker beacon || 外側無線位置標識 || がいそくむせんいちひょうしき
4. 笔试:dean 导师 | oral examination 笔试 | graduate school 研讨生院
1. The students can apply to 123 colleges and universities on the Chinese mainland, and can be enrolled from September this year after passing an oral examination.
2. oral examination的解释
2. Tea leaf appraisal, tea brewing and an oral English test were other sections of the examination.