1. 橙皮:就是都有苦橙皮(orange peel)和东方型香料做底的味道. 但是declaration的头调很特别,里面有桦树皮,中间有浆果和雪茄味,基调有檀香木和苔藓和香根草. decalration基本上是一个柑橘系和木香系混合的带轻微烟味的香水. 而且非常的持久.
2. 橘皮:橘皮组织(Cellulute),称为橘皮(orange peel)的原因,就是皮肤局部表现呈现皱皱的,凹凸不平的外观,好发在女性的臀部、髋部与大腿,又称浮肉. 它其实是一种不健康的肥胖细胞(Fat cell),是水分、结缔组织内的黏多糖体与有毒物质在脂肪细胞间,长 ...
3. 柑桔皮:柑桔 orange | 柑桔皮 orange peel | 木瓜 papaya
4. 橘皮状表面缺陷:nick 割痕 | orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷 | overflow 溢流
1. The main flavours are ripe black cherries with some understated hints of orange peel and a few green herbal tones.
2. The result was obvious - a more toned figure, orange peel skin eradicated and a smoother and firmer look.
3. Cut off the top and bottom of the orange and slice off the thick peel.
1. strips of orange peel cooked in sugar and coated with sugar
2. the rind of an orange
Synonym: orange rind