orange yellow

orange yellow

orange yellow 单语例句

1. It has not been a good year for sweet orange farmers in Guangdong province, where the citrus yellow mosaic virus has infected many trees.

2. The film opens with an introduction from the Lorax, an orange creature with a big yellow mustache who " speaks for the trees ".

3. The color changed from yellow to orange to red like a giant fireball as it moved rapidly below the sea's horizon in just one minute.

4. Orange denotes a " high risk " of attacks, while yellow means there is a " significant or elevated " risk.

5. The system uses yellow to imply moderately smoggy weather, orange for severe conditions and red for extremely severe levels of smog.

6. orange yellow

6. Joining him were six Chinese athletes, three men and three women sporting orange and yellow lycra suits.

7. Rainstorm intensity is classified in three degrees as yellow, orange and red.

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8. The Shanghai Municipal Observatory Friday night upgraded the snow warning from yellow to orange, second only to red.

9. orange yellow是什么意思

9. The NMC raised its heat alert from yellow to orange on Tuesday.

10. The hotel's Palm Room was decorated with yellow and orange roses, and guests were given gifts appropriate to the shower's theme.