
oranges ['ɒrɪndʒs]  ['ɒrɪndʒs] 


oranges 基本解释
橙色;柑;橙( orange的名词复数 );橘黄色;
oranges 网络解释


1. 桔子:再比如,你要买苹果、桃、桔子、柚子、香蕉,可以作如下调整: 桃(peaches)=P 苹果(apples)=A 柚子(grapefruit)=G 桔子(oranges)=O 香蕉(bananas)=B 这样,第一字母又可以组成一个音节pagob,你只需记住这个音节,便联带记住了要买的货物.

2. 橘子:它们喜欢吃橘子(oranges),更胜于葡萄柚(grapefruit)、酸橙(limes)与柠檬(lemons). 柑橘类植物的皮比果肉含有更高的钙质,对于陆龟而言是蛮好的食物. 高含量的维他命C可以帮助陆龟增强抵抗力. 不过在喂食这类水果皮时要注意农药的残留,

3. 橙子:44 Spaghetti 意大利粉 | 43 Oranges 橙子 | 43 Apple juice 蘋果汁

4. 橙:Kiwis, 奇异果 | Oranges, 橙 | Papayas, 木瓜

oranges 单语例句

1. The RLX active line was an explosion of color, with an infusion of bright oranges and lime greens.

2. I also like a unique sweet and sour dessert, which can only be had in Qianjiang - canned mandarin oranges steamed with eggs.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. He was later diagnosed with carotenemia when his mother divulged that he had eaten two to three kilograms of oranges every day last week.

4. Sweet oranges account for about 60 percent of citrus production, both as a fresh fruit and processed juice.

5. The boy was told his skin colour should return to normal once he cut down his intake of oranges.

6. oranges

6. Oranges are mostly polyembryonic, meaning two or more embryos develop from a single fertilized egg.

7. Gold and orange symbolise wealth and happiness, so oranges and mandarins are usually table fixtures.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. Thanks to the Internet, farmer Luo got a good bargain selling oranges through the Internet in November.

9. oranges的翻译

9. Yellow and red oranges weighed down branches, while nearby grapefruit had grown bigger than a man's fists.

10. Oranges had spilled from the handcart of a woman who sold juice.