
orangutan [ɔ:ˌræŋu:'tæn]  [oʊ'ræŋu:ˌtæn] 

orangutan 基本解释


orangutan 网络解释

1. 猩猩:macaque)的全基因组序列数据已经拼接完成,另外,大猩猩(Gorilla), 猩猩(Orangutan), 长臂猿(Gibbon), 狒狒(Baboon)的全基因组测序计划也在执行中,并预计很快结束.

2. 长臂无尾巨猴:这项研究分为三个系列实验,来自德国沃尔夫岗科勒研究中心动物园的七只大猩猩(gorilla)、八只黑猩猩(chimpanzee)、四只倭黑猩猩 (bonobo)和七只长臂无尾巨猴(orangutan)参与其中.

3. 红毛猩猩:其中大猿包括︰黑猩猩(chimpanzee;或者称为普通黑猩猩),侏儒黑猩猩(bonobo),大猩猩(gorilla)和红毛猩猩(orangutan). 图1显示这些人科动物从共同祖先分开演化的大约时间表,这也说明了黑猩猩是地球上和人类亲缘关系最接近的物种.

4. 猩猩;红毛猩猩:圣热特鲁迪斯牛 Santa Gertrudis | 猩猩;红毛猩猩 orangutan | 古代英国牧羊犬 Old English sheep dog

orangutan 单语例句

1. Huge branches and boulders lay tumbled across the once picturesque town, which has long drawn backpackers from across the world to its orangutan reserve.

2. orangutan是什么意思

2. Sibu the Orangutan has miffed his Dutch keepers by refusing to mate with females and showing sexual interest only in tattooed human blondes.

3. orangutan的反义词

3. Tourism had been the mainstay of the village since the orangutan reserve was established more than 20 years ago.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. It is home to an Orangutan reserve that attracts thousands of tourists every year, most of whom stay in cheap guesthouses that overlook the river.

5. The orangutan was finally subdued when an official shot him in the upper body with a stun gun.

6. orangutan

6. The project is spearheaded by a private foundation that runs Orangutan Island, a research center and tourist attraction in northern peninsular Malaysia.

orangutan 英英释义


1. large long-armed ape of Borneo and Sumatra having arboreal habits

    Synonym: orang orangutang Pongo pygmaeus