
orca [ˈɔ:kə]  [ˈɔ:rkə] 

orca 基本解释
orca 网络解释

1. 逆戟鲸:据维多利亚的一位动物学家分析,这条灰鲸的死亡,是逆戟鲸(orca)进攻的结果. 验尸官哈尔(Anna Hall)经过现场观察,昨天透露这条鲸鱼被逼入狭窄之处而受伤过重. 另外,前两天的大风天气,也是这条鲸鱼致死的原因之一.

2. 虎鲸:接著,黑白相间、重达5吨的虎鲸(orca)乘浪上岸捕捉猎物,然后又静静地滑回大海. 牠们是全世界唯一将这项本事练到完美的虎鲸群. 如今,牠们将自身的猎食本领发挥到淋漓尽致. 多年来,

3. 杀人鲸:鱼类和鱿鱼是企鹅、海豹以至海鸟的食粮,企鹅甚至海豹本身又会成为较大的豹斑海豹 (leopard seal) 和杀人鲸 (orca) 的猎物. 大型动物死后,尸体为吃腐动物及细菌等分解,完成生态循环.

4. 入侵者战机:DDBX 双层巴士 | ORCA 入侵者战机 | HORNET 大黄蜂

5. orca:ocean resources conservation association; 海洋资源

orca 单语例句

1. There have been no known cases of orca attacking humans, the Dominion Post said.

2. Wednesday's attack was the second time in two months that an orca trainer was killed at a marine park.

3. orca

3. He said Google agreed a few weeks ago to increase its investment in Orca Digital.

4. orca是什么意思

4. Currently the US company is only a minor investor in Orca, which has Chinese basketball star Yao Ming as its cofounder.

5. Of the 18 only 7 have mastered the stranding behaviour whereby the Orca enter the shallow surf to feed on seal pups.

orca 英英释义


1. orca

1. predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin
    common in cold seas

    Synonym: killer whale killer grampus sea wolf Orcinus orca