
orderly [ˈɔ:dəli]  [ˈɔ:rdərli] 


orderly 基本解释


形容词整齐的,有秩序的; 有组织的,有规则的; [军]值班的; 安静的

名词[军]传令下士; 传令兵; <英>街道清洁工

副词依次地,顺序地; 有规则地; 有条理地

orderly 同义词

形容词ordered systematic

orderly 反义词


形容词chaotic untidy

orderly 相关例句


1. He gave an orderly answer to the teacher's question.

2. The crowd left the square in an orderly way.

3. The girl students' rooms are all in orderly condition.


1. The medical orderly helped the granny into the consulting room.

orderly 网络解释


1. 有秩序:22,第二道关口:在另一个梦中醒来 (to wake up in another dream),意即有秩序 (orderly) 与準确地改变梦境;目的在锻鍊能量体. 卡罗斯任务:与死亡拒绝者 (death defier) 共同做梦,体验无限的做梦可能性 (endless dreaming possibilities).

2. 有序的:英国没有纯粹的(neat)、有序的(orderly)法典,即没有法国和德国模式的法典,几乎没有什么先进的法律思想,在大学里也不教法律. 律师的培训是高度实用主义的,律师们在伦敦的律师会馆(the Inns of Court)吸收法律知识,该律师学校并非真正的学校.

orderly 词典解释

1. 有秩序的;按部就班的
    If something is done in an orderly fashion or manner, it is done in a well-organized and controlled way.

    e.g. The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building...
    e.g. Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful.

2. 整洁的;有条理的
    Something that is orderly is neat or arranged in a neat way.

    e.g. It's a beautiful, clean and orderly city...
    e.g. Their vehicles were parked in orderly rows.

A balance is achieved in the painting between orderliness and unpredictability.

3. (医院的)勤杂工,护理员
    An orderly is a person who works in a hospital and does jobs that do not require special medical training.

orderly 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. To settle these problems and ensure a fast, effective and orderly public transport system needs government action.

2. This would allow banks to play a bigger role in product development and pricing, and promote capital account convertibility of renminbi in an orderly manner.

3. orderly在线翻译

3. Gao said the transition work has been smooth and orderly and the quality of trials for capital punishment has improved and is more secure.

4. It is our firm principle to maintain political stability so that we can carry out the modernization programme in an orderly way.

5. It has endeavoured to widen the scope of citizens'orderly political participation, and to safeguard their civil and political rights in accordance with the law.

6. It has endeavored to widen the scope of citizens'orderly political participation, and to safeguard their civil and political rights in accordance with the law.

7. More than 40 base stones of palace columns were orderly arranged with the space between adjacent columns only two meters.

8. Even the property market correction has so far been playing out orderly in key cities.

9. HKMA has said the city's money market was orderly despite rising concerns about credit risk, but it was ready to provide more liquidity if necessary.

10. orderly的解释

10. The date symbolizes two orderly lines and encourages residents waiting for public transportation to wait in line politely.

orderly 英英释义


1. orderly的翻译

1. a male hospital attendant who has general duties that do not involve the medical treatment of patients

    Synonym: hospital attendant

2. a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer

    e.g. the orderly laid out the general's uniform


1. devoid of violence or disruption

    e.g. an orderly crowd confronted the president

2. clean or organized

    e.g. her neat dress
           a neat room

    Synonym: neat