ordinary person

ordinary person

ordinary person 单语例句

1. He said he is an ordinary person and will keep composing music of his own.

2. It is not unusual to see a rich family spend the equivalent of several years'income of an ordinary person on a funeral.

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3. Ordinary Chinese would often indulge in betting over the appearance of an Indian, confusing them with a person from Xinjiang.

4. " He is an ordinary Iranian missing person for us, " the official said.

5. Everybody should contribute to world peace, no matter whether you are a world leader or an ordinary person.

6. Wudi won the honor because she was a spokeswoman for ordinary people and symbolized how a poor person could succeed in society.

7. It will take two hours at most for an ordinary person to complete the route.

8. Before then, an ordinary Chinese person did not have many chances of gorging in a restaurant.

9. ordinary person的反义词

9. The CRBT service lets users play personalized audio clips to the person calling them instead of ordinary ring tones.