
organism [ˈɔ:gənɪzəm]  [ˈɔ:rgənɪzəm] 


organism 基本解释

名词有机体; 生物体; 微生物; 有机体系,有机组织

organism 相关例句


1. Factories and cities are more complex organisms than self-sufficient villages.

organism 网络解释

1. 有机物:污泥(Sludge)是污水处理过程中产生的物质,它以好氧微生物(aerobic microorganism)为主体,同时包括混入生活污水中的泥沙(sand)、纤维(fiber)、动植物残体等固体微粒及其吸附的有机物(organism)、金属(metal)、病菌(pathogen)、虫卵(o

2. 生物:就是这种交流在通告着(informs)一个族类、一个生物(organism)或物质性的物体--不管有机的或无机的,之'进化的计划'(evolutionary design). 2.当'灵魂的频率'(the frequency of soul)被接取到了时,

organism 词典解释

1. 生物;有机体;(尤指)微生物
    An organism is an animal or plant, especially one that is so small that you cannot see it without using a microscope.

    e.g. Not all chemicals normally present in living organisms are harmless.
    e.g. ...the insect-borne organisms that cause sleeping sickness.

organism 单语例句

1. The new cells are then placed in culture to produce the unique cell types that contain the organism.

2. This organism produces a toxin that affects the central nervous system of fish so that they are paralyzed and cannot breathe.

3. The scientist who said the planet behaves like a single organism, claimed humans were " not clever enough " to handle climate change problems.

4. Hong Kong is a pulsating organism made up of the most enterprising conglomeration of humanity the world has ever known.

5. This " time of flight " creates a series of peaks, which correspond with the different molecules contained in the organism from the sample.

6. Still others have theorized that the insect is an ectoparasite, or an animal that lives on the exterior of another organism.

7. organism

7. The accelerating pace of nucleic acid sequencing allows scientists to read any organism's complete genetic code.


8. A factory is also analogous to an organism that has inputs and products.

9. The analogy of the human organism for modern economic production is useful at two levels of understanding.

10. A genome is the full complement of an organism's DNA, complex molecules that direct the formation and function of all living organisms.

organism 英英释义



1. a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently

    Synonym: being

2. a system considered analogous in structure or function to a living body

    e.g. the social organism