
organize [ˈɔ:gənaɪz]  [ˈɔ:rgənaɪz] 





organize 基本解释

动词组织; 安排; 规划; 建立组织

organize 同义词


动词organise group systematize classify categorize arrange sort orient establish set up

organize 反义词


organize 情景对话


A:We’re looking for a manager to run the new branch office.

B:Where is the branch office?

A:It happens to be very close to your home. We were actually hoping that you might want to fill the position.

B:I’d have to think about it. How many people would I be managing?

A:It will start off small, with only about 10 employees.
      公司刚开始运营时规模比较小,大概有10 名员工。

B:That is quite small.

A:Are you interested?

B:I guess. I do like the office I’m working in now, but it would be nice to work closer to my home.

A:Your salary would remain the same, but if you do a good job, I think there’s a possibility of a promotion down the road.


A:Yes. The reason we chose you is because you’re the best manager we have. We need someone who can organize the new office and make it run well.

B:So this isn’t a demotion?

A:Oh, no, it’s quite the opposite!

B:Well then, when should I start?

A:So you’ll do it?


A:Great! We’ll send some people over to move your things tomorrow. You can have a long weekend and then start at your new office on Monday.

organize 网络解释

1. 机构:因此,从医院人力资源管理的现状出发,从医院人力资源管理诊断和环境分析入手,根据医院战略(STRATAGEM),进行组织机构(ORGANIZE)的梳理调整,合理分配部门职能;在此基础上进行职务分析,明确所有员工各自的岗位(POSTION)职责;其次,

2. 组织,成立:stubborn顽固的;固执的 | organize 组织,成立 | care about 关心;忧虑;

3. 组织,编组:organization 组织,体制 | organize 组织,编组 | origin 起源

organize 词典解释
in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 organise

1. 组织;安排;筹备
    If you organize an event or activity, you make sure that the necessary arrangements are made.

    e.g. In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter.
    e.g. ...a two-day meeting organised by the United Nations...

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 提供,准备(想要或所需之物)
    If you organize something that someone wants or needs, you make sure that it is provided.

    e.g. I will organize transport...
    e.g. He rang his wife and asked her to organize coffee and sandwiches.

3. 整理;使有条理;使具结构
    If you organize a set of things, you arrange them in an ordered way or give them a structure.

    e.g. He began to organize his materials...
    e.g. She took a hasty cup of coffee and tried to organize her scattered thoughts.

4. 规划(自己);使有序高效
    If you organize yourself, you plan your work and activities in an ordered, efficient way.

    e.g. ...changing the way you organize yourself...
    e.g. Go right ahead, I'm sure you don't need me to organize you...

5. (使)组织起来
    If someone organizes workers or if workers organize, they form a group or society such as a trade union in order to have more power.

    e.g. ...helping to organize women working abroad...
    e.g. It's the first time farmers have decided to organize.

organize 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. One of the agency's functions is to establish Party offices in companies and provide staff members to act as branch secretaries and organize activities.

2. It is a perfect mechanism for the scientific institution and will improve cadre quality and organize local featured competitive activities.

3. Under the CAS and CAE constitutions, the two academies organize conferences of academicians once every two years.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. Under the CAS and CAE constitutions, the two academies must organize conferences of Academicians once every two years.

5. Initially the coup leaders promised elections within 60 days, but Camara said Wednesday the group would organize a presidential election by December 2010.

6. Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said a caretaker government would be set up to organize the polls " in the beginning of January ".

7. Organize as many people as possible to manage state and social affairs and carry out administration under the law.

8. The special committees working organs that organize members for regular activities under the leadership of the standing committee and the chairmen's meeting.

9. The Council of Chief State School Officers and the children's book publisher Scholastic organize the program.

10. So she started to organize career talks for CHIME, in which managers from different disciplines and divisions shared their experiences.

organize 英英释义


1. bring order and organization to

    e.g. Can you help me organize my files?

    Synonym: organise coordinate

2. plan and direct (a complex undertaking)

    e.g. he masterminded the robbery

    Synonym: mastermind engineer direct organise orchestrate

3. arrange by systematic planning and united effort

    e.g. machinate a plot
           organize a strike
           devise a plan to take over the director's office

    Synonym: organise prepare devise get up machinate

4. cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea

    Synonym: organise

5. form or join a union

    e.g. The auto workers decided to unionize

    Synonym: unionize unionise organise

6. create (as an entity)

    e.g. social groups form everywhere
           They formed a company

    Synonym: form organise