
orientation [ˌɔ:riənˈteɪʃn]  [ˌɔriɛnˈteʃən, -ən-, ˌor-] 


orientation 基本解释

名词方向,定位,取向,排列方向; 任职培训; (外交等的)方针[态度]的确定; 环境判定

orientation 相关例句


1. I needed some orientation at this stage.

2. The school has an orientation towards practical skills.

orientation 网络解释

1. 方位:所以IP lookup的演算法必需要支援快速的更新动作.而对classification来说,其资料库变动不若前者,但是它资料库的大小可能会远远超过前者.利用不同时间或不同摄影机拍摄所得的影像来求取一个3D物体的位置(position)与方位(orientation)的姿态测定(pose determination),

2. orientation:ori; 面向

orientation 词典解释

1. (组织、国家等的)方向,目标,定位
    If you talk about the orientation of an organization or country, you are talking about the kinds of aims and interests it has.

    e.g. ...a marketing orientation...
    e.g. To a society which has lost its orientation he has much to offer...

2. (某人在信仰或偏好上基本的)态度,取向
    Someone's orientation is their basic beliefs or preferences.

    e.g. ...legislation that would have made discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation illegal.

3. (岗前、学前、课前等的)情况介绍,培训,训练
    Orientation is basic information or training that is given to people starting a new job, school, or course.

    e.g. They give their new employees a day or two of perfunctory orientation.
    e.g. ...a one-day orientation session.

4. (建筑物等的)朝向
    The orientation of a structure or object is the direction it faces.

    e.g. Farnese had the orientation of the church changed so that the front would face a square.

orientation 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Employment is covered by China's Labor Law and has little to do with one's values or sexual orientation.

2. This is the basis for the long term orientation of the producing chain and economic sustainability.

3. The smooth change is a sure sign that the overall orientation of major national policies will remain unchanged.

4. I just gave you help and support and contributed my bit in charting the orientation.

5. orientation的反义词

5. Pizer argued that California civil rights law should have prevented the doctors from refusing treatment based on her client's sexual orientation.

6. Xiao Zhe is worried about how to " come out of the closet " jargon they use for making their sexual orientation known to friends and relatives.

7. We need to replace them with laws that provide adequate protection against discrimination, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. Undermining unit cohesion was a determining factor when Congress passed the 1993 law, intended to keep the military from asking recruits their sexual orientation.

9. Many frames are adjustable to be set vertically or horizontally in landscape or portrait orientation.

10. The policy was imposed by Bill Clinton's administration in 1993, which forces gays and lesbians to hide their orientation or face expulsion from the military.

orientation 英英释义



1. a course introducing a new situation or environment

    Synonym: orientation course

2. danci.911cha.com

2. the act of orienting

3. orientation在线翻译

3. a person's awareness of self with regard to position and time and place and personal relationships

4. a predisposition in favor of something

    e.g. a predilection for expensive cars
           his sexual preferences
           showed a Marxist orientation

    Synonym: predilection preference

5. an integrated set of attitudes and beliefs

6. position or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directions