original copy

original copy [əˈridʒinəl ˈkɔpi]  [əˈrɪdʒənəl ˈkɑpi] 

original copy 基本解释



original copy 网络解释

1. 正本:通常,最好是文件的正本(ORIGINAL COPY)和副本(PHOTOSTATED COPY)都一齐验证,比较保险. 因为,我当时在及表格时,就是因为我验证的医药报告是副本,而不被办事处接受处理,因而的跑两趟,重新验证正本. . .

2. 原稿:原稿(国画)色描tracing the original | 原稿original copy | 原封面original covers

3. 原电底,正本:original consistency ==> 最初稠度 | original copy ==> 原电底,正本 | original copy for illustrative matter ==> 图像原稿

4. 原件:书面形式 Written Form | 原件 Original Copy | 法律效力 Legal Effect

original copy 单语例句

1. The statue found its home in the harbor in 1913, but is actually a copy of an original held by descendants of sculptor Edvard Eriksen.

2. The copy dates from 1883 and is believed to have belonged to Friedrich Engels, who penned the original German work with Karl Marx in 1848.

3. Any applicant that fails to make to submit a written claim or a copy of the original application within three months will not be prioritized.

4. When the police officer requested the man's original driver's license, the man got off the car and snatched the copy out of the policeman's hand.

5. Radcliffe said he was aware of the claim, but that he had not read the posting and would only read an original copy.

6. It is strictly based on the original script and the stage set is a copy of that used for British productions.

7. When the police officer requested Hao's original license, he got out of the car and snatched the copy back.