original idea

original idea

original idea 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. The original idea to choreograph the story into a ballet was based on a revision by French author Alexander Dumas.

2. The original idea behind Icann was to keep decisions about the Internet's architecture in the private sector and largely free of government meddling.

3. He was helping young Chinese develop ideas and launch projects, the major idea being to nurture original concepts into real businesses.

4. " The original idea was to make a trailblazing program, " producer Tao Yan says.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. Still there are some netizens thinking the promotion an original idea, saying the women are beautiful and the pictures artistic and not pornographic at all.

6. Hu Nan thinks that although the scholars had much more historical knowledge than her, their versions had somewhat violated the author's original idea.

7. Chen admits that his original idea was to live a peaceful life close to nature.

8. But the director argued that the original idea came out as early as 1984, long before " Hero " took its shape.

9. original idea是什么意思

9. The original idea by Sanya municipal government in 2002 was to build the island as an international harbor for ocean liners.

10. The bridegroom got the original idea off the Internet and then asked for support from the members of a car club which he belongs to.