
originate [əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt]  [əˈrɪdʒəˌnet] 






originate 基本解释

及物动词引起; 创始,创作; 开始,发生; 发明

不及物动词产生; 起源于,来自; 起航

originate 相关例句



1. The use of the computer has originated many other reforms.


1. The idea originated with her.

2. Coal of all kinds originated from the decay of plants.

3. The train originated in London.

4. All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice.

originate 网络解释


1. 创始:我们说有神进化论违反圣经原则的另一原因,是因它把创造与护理(Providence)两者之间明显的分野,完全破坏混淆了,神创造的工作就是把新的东西创始(originate)出来--所谓新或是形体的新,或是物质的新,或是二者俱新,

2. 始:我们说有神进化论违反圣经原则的另一原因,是因它把创造与护理(Providence)两者之间明显的分野,完全破坏混淆了,神创造的工作就是把新的东西创始(originate)出来––所谓新或是形体的新,或是物质的新,或是二者俱新,

3. 创始,发明:organize 组织 | originate 创始,发明 | overcome 克服(困难等)

originate 词典解释

1. 发源;来自;产生;创始;开创
    When something originates or when someone originates it, it begins to happen or exist.

    e.g. The disease originated in Africa...
    e.g. All carbohydrates originate from plants...

originate 单语例句

1. In total, six rivers originate in the Dabie Mountains and flow through the city.

2. Excellent movies always originate from directors explaining the world through their special perspectives, rather than catering for certain group's interests.

3. Seizures may originate in a spot that can't be removed safely.

4. Some scientists argue that Chinese genes originate from an African female, believed to be the ancestor of human beings who emerged two million years ago.

5. The vigorous driving force of a new growth cycle will originate from newly emerging economies including China.

6. " Bazaar " is a word that's said to originate from Persian.

7. The hidden sadness and depression found in his paintings originate from deep feelings about the ongoing rapid development of the world around us.

8. He also disclosed that among all the nine approved express railways for passenger transportation, four of them originate in Zhengzhou.

9. Many of Li's dances originate from his daily work, such as the movements involved in making briquettes and shoveling coal.

10. Helen and Feifei ask people which festivals they enjoy and where these festivals originate from.

originate 英英释义



1. bring into being

    e.g. He initiated a new program
           Start a foundation

    Synonym: initiate start

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2. come into existence
    take on form or shape

    e.g. A new religious movement originated in that country
           a love that sprang up from friendship
           the idea for the book grew out of a short story
           An interesting phenomenon uprose

    Synonym: arise rise develop uprise spring up grow

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3. begin a trip at a certain point, as of a plane, train, bus, etc.

    e.g. The flight originates in Calcutta