
originator [ə'rɪdʒɪneɪtə(r)]  [əˈrɪdʒəˌnetɚ] 


originator 基本解释


名词发起人; 创作者; 开山祖; 起因

originator 网络解释


1. 创始人:证券公司(HKMC)开始发行资产证券化产品;韩国于1998年公布<<资产担保证券化宅管理局、退伍军人管理局、及都市住宅服务处(RHS)的贷款保险机制,为中低收certificate),也即出售房贷给FHLMC 的该房贷创始人(originator)必须保留5%1986 年,

2. 创作者:<<示范法>>规定,由数据原创作者(originator)发送的数据为原始数据;在Originator 和收件人(Addressee)之间传输的数据可视为原始数据,如这些数据是由有权作为其发送数据的代表或该数据由Originator 或其代表设计的计算机信息系统的程序自动生或的数据.

3. 始发者:在访问第二个服务时,您可以验证第一个服务是始发者(originator)且这个令牌具有完整性. 这提供了一个使许多 Web 服务解决方案安全的方法;一个对象级别的高速缓存能使您迅速且简单地完成.

originator 词典解释

1. 创始人;发明者;提出者
    The originator of something such as an idea or scheme is the person who first thought of it or began it.

    e.g. ...the originator of the theory of relativity.

originator 单语例句

1. The eminent scientist and originator of the theory of relativity was admitted to hospital three days ago with an internal complaint.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Opened on September 8, the fair was the originator of today's China International Fair.

3. The originator of Nutrilite lived in China for many years and he was very interested in the medical idea that China has.

4. The originator of Nutrilite lived in China for many years and he was very interested in the medical ideas that China has.

5. originator在线翻译

5. They usually appear on the market after the patents of the corresponding originator medicine have expired.

originator 英英释义


1. someone who creates new things

    Synonym: conceiver mastermind