
osculum ['ɒskjʊləm]  ['ɒskjʊləm] 


osculum 基本解释



osculum 网络解释

1. 出水孔:雀鲷科鱼数量多,定栖生活,所以容易潜水观察...海绵固定附著于海底生活,它们利用内侧体壁上的鞭毛运动,在水中产生水流,水流由海绵多孔外表上的无数入水孔(Ostia)进入海绵体内,将水中所含的食物过滤吸收以后再由出水孔(Osculum)排出体外.

2. 小口:oscitation 打呵尔 | osculum 小口 | osmesthesia 嗅觉

3. 口孔:口环;旋脊 choma | 口孔 osculum | 口孔;壳口 aperture

4. 排水孔:osculatory 接触的 | osculum 排水孔 | osfile 操作系统文件

osculum 双语例句

1. 1 For water out of hydraulic system: adopt blocking and draining methods, unique draining structure is designed at the guide sleeve of the piston rod in pumping oil cylinder, which makes the water leaked into the scraper seal converging in the waterspout and drained through the osculum, thus avoiding the water getting into hydraulic system through the seal.
    对于液压系统外水分:采取堵,排共施的策略,在泵送油缸活塞杆导向套处 2009 年第 1 版(The first edition in 2009) 18 HBT60.13.90S HBT60.13.90SC 设计有独特的排水结构,其可将渗入防尘圈的水汇聚于排水槽内并通过排水孔排出,从而避免了水分通过后面的密封进入液压系统,做到将水分拒之于系统之外。

2. Revolving hydrant osculum can be circumrotated


3. The mattress is equipped with an osculum (4) running from top to bottom and a defecation hole (6) positioned on the hip of the patient.


4. Results All of the patients were found unnormal by x ray recording examination. In the patients there were tardy swallowing 77 cases, hemilateral barium 68 cases, barium stagnate at pharynx 62 cases, osculum swallowing 40 cases and barium leaked 28 cases.
    结果 102例患者经X线录像检查均发现异常,其中吞咽延缓77例,钡剂偏流68例,咽滞留62例,小口吞咽40例,钡剂漏溢28例。

5. Results All of the patients were found unnormal by xray recording examination. In the patients there were tardy swallowing 77 cases, hemilateral barium 68 cases, barium stagnate at pharynx 62 cases, osculum swallowing 40 cases and barium leaked 28 cases.
    结果 102例患者经X线录像检查均发现异常,其中吞咽延缓77例,钡剂偏流68例,咽滞留62例,小口吞咽40例,钡剂漏溢28例。