1. 没有用的:otiatry 耳病治疗学 | otiose 没有用的 | otioseslothful 怠惰的
2. 不必要的:otic 耳的 | otiose 不必要的 | otitis 耳炎
3. 不必要的,多余的:ostrich 鸵鸟,不接受现实的人 | otiose 不必要的,多余的 | outbid 出价多于(他人)
4. 不必要的/怠惰的/没有用的/多余的:otic /耳的/ | otiose /不必要的/怠惰的/没有用的/多余的/ | otitis /耳炎/
1. disinclined to work or exertion
e.g. faineant kings under whose rule the country languished
an indolent hanger-on
too lazy to wash the dishes
shiftless idle youth
slothful employees
the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy
Synonym: faineant indolent lazy slothful work-shy
2. producing no result or effect
e.g. a futile effort
the therapy was ineffectual
an otiose undertaking
an unavailing attempt
Synonym: futile ineffectual unavailing
3. serving no useful purpose
having no excuse for being
e.g. otiose lines in a play
advice is wasted words
a pointless remark
a life essentially purposeless
senseless violence
Synonym: pointless purposeless senseless superfluous wasted