
otter [ˈɒtə(r)]  [ˈɑ:tər] 



otter 基本解释


名词水獭皮; (水)獭; 一种钓具

otter 网络解释

1. 獭:以前分不清许多动物之间的区别,像水獭(otter)和海狸(beaver)水獭在地面下做洞,到淡水里游戏和捕食人类有阑尾appendix,koala在大肠(large intestines)小肠(small intestines)之间有6feet 盲肠(cecum)

2. 海獭:根据各个不同的地理环境分为下列6个展示区:海洋哺乳类中心(Max Bell Marine Mammal Centre)在此展示区,可以看到杀人鲸(Killer Whale)、海狮(Sea Lion)、海獭(Otter)、及白鲸(Beluga)等在池中嬉戏、悠游,每天并且有多次杀人鲸表演以及白鲸表演活动等.

3. 沃特绵羊:水獭;水獭皮 otter | 沃特绵羊 Otter | 粗横棱纹织物 ottoman

otter 词典解释

1. otter的近义词

1. 水獭
    An otter is a small animal with brown fur, short legs, and a long tail. Otters swim well and eat fish.

otter 单语例句

1. otter是什么意思

1. The otter says he sometimes catches ducks, and the rabbit tells the otter to go first.

2. otter

2. The otter was sighted by a sailor on Sunday and extra food was laid out for her around traps on islands in the Gulf.

3. otter什么意思

3. " Butch " Otter will pick a successor to complete Craig's term, which runs through next year.

4. He was only saved when the two fishermen spotted what they thought was an otter, went to investigate and saw the dog.

5. otter

5. Otter called speculation that he has made a choice " dead wrong " and declined to say when he would fill the seat.

6. While the otter is going about this task, the rabbit fashions a noose from tree bark.

otter 英英释义



1. freshwater carnivorous mammal having webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur

2. the fur of an otter