out of thin air

out of thin air [aut ɔv θin eə(r)]  [aʊt ʌv θɪn er] 

out of thin air 基本解释

凭空; 无中生有, 突然出现

out of thin air 网络解释

1. 无中生有:on the air正在广播; 开始播送 (电子计算机)在运转中 | out of thin air 无中生有 | put on airs 装腔作势

2. 无中生有(阿拉丁和大盗之王):03 Belle 贝儿(美女与野兽) | 04 Out of Thin Air 无中生有(阿拉丁和大盗之王) | 05 There's Only One Arief 世上只有一个爱丽儿(小美人鱼/瓶中信)

3. 造出他来:I conjured him...|我凭空...... | ...out of thin air.|造出他来 | He doesn't exist, except on paper.|他只存在于文件中罢了

4. 无中生有地:out of the wood 出森林 | out of thin air 无中生有地 | out of time 不合时宜

out of thin air 单语例句

1. The sentiment of preparing for eventualities doesn't come out of thin air.

2. But it cannot change the fact that such a tactic amounts to creating vast new sums of money out of thin air.

3. Normally the Fed expands the money supply by buying Treasury bills and paying for them by creating money out of thin air.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Because environmentalists tend to have a feeling for material constraints, we recognize that solutions cannot be conjured out of thin air.

out of thin air 英英释义


1. without warning

    e.g. your cousin arrived out of thin air

    Synonym: out of nothing from nowhere