out of true

out of true[aut ɔv tru:] 

out of true 基本解释


out of true 网络解释

1. 位置不正;形态不正;不均衡:15) out of true 超差,超出公差范围 | out of true 位置不正;形态不正;不均衡 | 19) swarm n蜂群, 一大群 v涌往, 挤满, 密集, 成群浮游, 云集

2. 超差,超出公差范围:live on 继续生活, 以...为主食, 靠...生活 | 15) out of true 超差,超出公差范围 | out of true 位置不正;形态不正;不均衡

3. 不精确:out of trim 失去平衡 | out of true 不精确 | out of tune 失调

4. 位置不正:One's true colours 本性,真面目 | Out of true 位置不正 | True-blue忠心耿耿的(人)

out of true 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. But I think in order to capture the true essence of Beijing you need to step out of the confines of traditional tourism.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. But the CPC should carry out a series of supporting measures to make it come true and ensure people can benefit from the objectives.

3. What was on the grapevine - about abuse of power as a possible factor in this accident - has turned out to be true.

4. out of true是什么意思

4. But to ascertain the true value of these various benefits to work out an alternate fair and equitable compensation programme can be frustrating.

5. This true love story certainly reads like something out of a book.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Mutual trust is possible only when the past is objectively recognized, and concrete actions that speak of true repentance are carried out.

7. It's true that many financial innovations turned out to be failures and swept away huge amounts of wealth.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Ferreting out the true culprits in such cases of cheating is necessary in order to prevent similar problems from emerging later.

9. We are accustomed to Wen reaching out to unprepared ordinary people for the true state of affairs on inspection trips.

10. " It's a way to do something worthwhile and figure out the true value of life, " he said.

out of true 英英释义

out of true在线翻译


1. not accurately fitted
    not level

    e.g. the frame was out of true
           off-level floors and untrue doors and windows

    Synonym: untrue