out of tune

out of tune [aut ɔv tju:n]  [aʊt ʌv tun] 

out of tune 基本解释

副词走调; 不协调; 走调儿

out of tune 网络解释

out of tune的翻译

1. 失调:out of step 不同步 | out of tune 失调 | out-of-field radiation 视场外辐射

2. 格格不入:257. tune out 调准收音机以避免杂音或者干扰 | 258. out of tune 格格不入 | 259. change one's tune 改变主意或决定

out of tune 单语例句

1. I planned on drinking a little red wine before recording it, but changed my mind because I was afraid it would knock me out of tune.

2. " It's a jungle out there " according the theme tune of award winning American sitcom " Monk " and its eponymous hero.

3. In a time of bulging egos, altruism and many other fine moral qualities appear increasingly out of tune with our surroundings.

4. It may sound inopportune and out of tune on the occasion, but it is a necessary reality check.

5. If you stood up and boogied to a joyous tune on stage, you'd probably be kicked out of the venue.

6. out of tune的近义词

6. The release of Obama's internal report comes during Christmas week, when many people tune out the news to spend time with families.

7. out of tune是什么意思

7. They might have played out of tune, but at least they're the world's largest guitar band.

8. To talk like he did shows he is totally out of tune, and out of time.

9. Chen's actions may seem out of tune with the traditional image of a Chinese farmer but it certainly reflects his concern for the environment.

10. out of tune的翻译

10. Santa will sing out the list of gifts to the tune of Nessun Dorma, accompanied by a Peking Opera orchestra.