
outdated [ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd]  [aʊtˈdetɪd] 






outdated 基本解释




outdated 网络解释

1. 过时:如果port改变了,portversion能发现并标记为过时(outdated). 你想保留安装了的port的distfile,然后删除旧的distfile. portsclean -D将完成这些工作. 相同的,你可能打算删除在package数据库中不被引用的共享库. 我不使用上面的参数(-D).

2. 过时的:outdate 过时 | outdated 过时的 | outdid 胜过

3. 时间词 过时的:依序列举list in sequence | 时间词 过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete anachronistic | 短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived

4. 已过期:Do you want to insert %d report files to database?=要把报告文件 %d 插入到数据库中吗? | outdated=已过期 | Lines=行

outdated 词典解释

1. 过时的;陈旧的;老式的;废弃的
    If you describe something as outdated, you mean that you think it is old-fashioned and no longer useful or relevant to modern life.

    e.g. ...outdated and inefficient factories...
    e.g. ...outdated attitudes...

outdated 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. Some economists said China should reform its CPI calculation system, which they called outdated and misleading if used as an indicator for policy making.

2. outdated的解释

2. China plans to eliminate 35 million tons of outdated steel production capacity this year to save energy and prevent an oversupply in the domestic market.

3. Analysts say that because four years has elapsed since Khalid Sheikh Mohammad's capture, any further information gleaned from interrogation would be outdated and of little use now.

4. By getting rid of outdated capacity and smartly reducing the actual production volume, cement can be sold at a better price.

5. Li's clinic may be considered a trial case in the local government's effort to reorganize China's outdated rural medical system by introducing the market economy.

6. Cement plants using outdated technological production processes accounted for 60 per cent of China's total, yet some new plants under construction chose the same technology.

7. A third loan of almost $ 200 million will target Liaoning's inefficient, polluting and outdated central heating systems.

8. " Outdated social management modes and centralized power offer officials the chance to abuse their power, " he said.

9. They have outdated reading materials and textbooks, and nobody really seems to be doing anything to change the sorry state of affairs.

10. It said the industry needed to eliminate outdated technology, and must not establish new projects that merely add to steel output.

outdated 英英释义


1. old
    no longer valid or fashionable

    e.g. obsolete words
           an obsolete locomotive
           outdated equipment
           superannuated laws
           out-of-date ideas

    Synonym: out-of-date superannuated