
outgoing [ˈaʊtgəʊɪŋ]  [ˈaʊtgoʊɪŋ] 







outgoing 基本解释

形容词对人友好的,开朗的; 出发的,外出的; 即将离职的; 乐于助人的

outgoing 反义词



outgoing 网络解释


1. 外向:lacid) 外向(Outgoing) 购物狂(Shopaholic)全名(英文): David Robert Joseph Beckham 全名(中文):大卫.罗伯约瑟.贝克汉姆 生日 :1975年5月2日 出生地 :莱彻斯特.伦敦 身高 :180厘米 体重 :75公斤 位置 :右前卫(国家队) 后腰(俱乐部) 所属联队:西班牙皇家马德里队 所属国家队:英格兰 球衣号码:7(国家队) 23(俱乐部) 妻子:维多

2. 出去:你可以详细设置打开的端口号,包括信息包出去(Outgoing)和进来(Incoming)的端口(图08). 第一部分 概要介绍 安铁诺(Antiunknown)防病毒软件2008采用第四代AUK防未知病毒引擎,...

3. 外向的:outer 外部的,外面的 | outgoing 外向的 | ▲outing 郊游,远足

outgoing 词典解释

1. outgoing什么意思

1. 即将离职的;快要卸任的
    You use outgoing to describe a person in charge of something who is soon going to leave that position.

    e.g. ...the outgoing director of the Edinburgh International Festival.

2. 离去的;往外去的
    Outgoing things such as planes, mail, and passengers are leaving or being sent somewhere.

    e.g. All outgoing flights were grounded.

3. 外向的;友好的;喜欢交际的
    Someone who is outgoing is very friendly and likes meeting and talking to people.

    e.g. She's very outgoing.
    e.g. ...his outgoing behaviour.

outgoing 单语例句

1. The Urumqi International Airport in the regional capital was covered in fog in the morning, delaying 53 outgoing flights and 26 incoming ones.

2. The CE thanked the outgoing chief secretary Rafael Hui and the five directors of bureaus for " their patriotism and passion to serve the community ".

3. The government will set aside 300 civil servant vacancies for outgoing village officials this year.

4. outgoing

4. Chavez met new Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos this week to reestablish full relations, blaming the diplomatic dispute on outgoing leader Alvaro Uribe.

5. " BEAUTY CONTEST " Outgoing European Parliament President Pat Cox voiced frustration at the parochial nature of the campaign and the focus on quirky or celebrity candidates.

6. outgoing在线翻译

6. Cuba cut diplomatic ties with Panama on Thursday after its outgoing leader pardoned four Cuban exiles who plotted to kill President Fidel Castro in 2000.

7. Deling is worldly wise and her outgoing personality stands in sharp contrast to the depressing stiffness of the Forbidden City.

8. outgoing的近义词

8. American officials say the outgoing chief clashed with Ambassador Cameron Munter, who objected to CIA drone strikes during diplomatic negotiations.

9. Outgoing state superintendent Patti Harrington said she will miss Huntsman but is excited for state education leaders to work with Herbert.

10. Velasco is expected to continue the economic policies of outgoing government, which maintained a healthy fiscal surplus and inflation firmly under control.

outgoing 英英释义



1. outgoing的近义词

1. retiring from a position or office

    e.g. the outgoing president

2. leaving a place or a position

    e.g. an outgoing steamship

3. danci.911cha.com

3. at ease in talking to others

    Synonym: extroverted forthcoming