








outlawed 基本解释
outlawed 网络解释

1. 法律上失效的:30. from this moment on 从此刻起 | 31. outlawed 法律上失效的 | 32. unlawful 非法的

2. 宣布为不合法:romantic 有着理想化爱情观的人 | outlawed 宣布为不合法 | fit 健康的

outlawed 单语例句

1. British authorities say Northern Ireland's faltering peace process cannot resume until the outlawed paramilitary group halts criminal activity.

2. It also rejected incitement calls made by some outlawed groups and other popular parties seeking to exploit youths to serve their " chaos agendas ".

3. outlawed的解释

3. The establishment was later fined and ordered to close for inspection, after a local newspaper revealed its recommendation of the outlawed dish.

4. Interracial relationships were outlawed even though the growing colored population was proof that South Africans dared to cross the racial line.

5. outlawed的翻译

5. London - Religion should be outlawed because it lacks compassion and promotes hatred of homosexuals, gay pop star Elton John said in an interview.

6. The outlawed group called in warnings minutes before the simultaneous blasts on Constitution Day to allow police to clear cafes and public squares.

7. outlawed的翻译

7. Some said advertisements are harmless and frowned on the move and questioned whether the outlawed outdoor ads really disturb the city's peace and appearance.

8. A spokesperson for the cosmetology board announced that the procedure has been outlawed due to hygiene concerns.

9. It was under discussion because nose hairs may be plucked out in the process, and cutting hair on the Sabbath is outlawed.

10. outlawed是什么意思

10. The leader of a Tunisian Islamist party that was long outlawed by authorities has returned to his homeland after two decades in exile.

outlawed 英英释义



1. contrary to or forbidden by law

    e.g. an illegitimate seizure of power
           illicit trade
           an outlaw strike
           unlawful measures

    Synonym: illegitimate illicit outlaw(a) unlawful