
output [ˈaʊtpʊt]  [ˈaʊtˌpʊt] 


output 基本解释

名词输出; 产量; 作品; [计]输出信号


output 相关例句


1. The program will output it into a file.


1. With a sudden output of effort he moved the rock.

2. The measures will enable us to double our output of bicycles.

output 情景对话



A:Would you like to come to our factory for a visit?

B:Oh, yes. Thank you. I’d be glad to.

A:You can look around our new workshops and the automatic machines.

B:I’m sure the output of your production will increase a lot.

A:Yes. Our factory director wants to meet you and talk over somethings about the business.

output 网络解释

1. 产量:管理活动必须将其焦点从效率(efficiency)转向效力(effectiveness),这要求从产量(output)标准转向成果(outcome)标准,培养组织的变革、学习、协作和创新.

2. 产值:然而,去年有不少建筑工程因建筑费过高而被展延,建筑需求并不等同于建筑产值,建筑产值(output)其实没那么乐观. 例如,城市发展(CDL)去年11月透露,美芝路大型综合商业地段South Beach的建筑工程将延迟展开,直到建筑费恢复到更合理的水平.

3. output:o; 输出

4. output:out; 输出指令

output 词典解释

1. 产量;输出量;排出量
    Output is used to refer to the amount of something that a person or thing produces.

    e.g. Manual workers need a good breakfast for high-energy output...
    e.g. Government statistics show the largest drop in industrial output for ten years.

2. (计算机、文字处理器等的)输出信息,输出文件
    The output of a computer or word processor is the information that it displays on a screen or prints on paper as a result of a particular program.

    e.g. You run the software, you look at the output, you make modifications.

output 单语例句

1. All sectors surveyed also expected business situations would be better in the third quarter with an increase of output.

2. Respondents in all sectors covered expect a surge in business volume or output.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Barroso warned that inaction on climate change would cut the world's gross economic output by 5 percent a year.

4. Urbanization has led to a decline in cabbage output in Beijing, but residents'tastes have not changed.

5. output的近义词

5. Some 70 percent of China's total activated carbon output goes to the overseas market and Chinese products account for half of the US market.

6. It plans to raise HK $ 2 billion in the first quarter in Hong Kong, hoping to improve its beverage output capacity.

7. Kia halted output of its diesel Carnival minivan as of the night shift on May 20 because of the parts supply disruption.

8. output在线翻译

8. Several OPEC officials said the cartel is likely to schedule another meeting for late January or early February to review output levels.

9. Hu said to some extent these companies had overreacted to the sluggish market as the output cutback exceeded the actual market demand decline.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. The province has the highest plantation acreage, output and cash crop production in the country.

output 英英释义


1. output的解释

1. production of a certain amount

    Synonym: yield

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. final product
    the things produced

    Synonym: end product

3. what is produced in a given time period

    Synonym: outturn turnout

4. signal that comes out of an electronic system

    Synonym: output signal

5. the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time)

    e.g. production was up in the second quarter

    Synonym: yield production


1. to create or manufacture a specific amount

    e.g. the computer is outputting the data from the job I'm running