
ova [ˈəʊvə]  [ˈoʊvə] 


ova 基本解释

名词<生>卵子,卵细胞( ovum的名词复数 ); (ovum的复数)

ova 网络解释


1. 卵子:说要我花那么多时间我就不做,摆着一个活字典在这儿一问就是了. 有一天翻译到一个妇女一生大约有两千个卵子(ova),杨步伟译成了鸡蛋. 赵元任见后,乐不可支,以后常常拿这事开杨步伟的玩笑--一个女人有两千个鸡蛋.

2. [虫卵]:污泥(Sludge)是污水处理过程中产生的物质,它以好氧微生物(aerobic microorganism)为主体,同时包括混入生活污水中的泥沙(sand)、纤维(fiber)、动植物残体等固体微粒及其吸附的有机物(organism)、金属(metal)、病菌(pathogen)、虫卵(ova)等物质的综合体.

3. 卵巢:14、与不孕不育有关的自身抗体:精子抗体(SPA)、卵巢(OVA)及其透明带抗体都与不孕有关,而心磷脂抗体则与习惯性流产有关. 该测定组合包括垂体前叶分泌的促甲状腺激素(TSH)和甲状腺分泌的激素:(总)甲状腺素(T4)、三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3)、游离T4(fT4)和游离T3(fT3).

4. 上忍VS下忍!无级别混战大会开幕:OVA 上忍VS下忍!无级别混战大会开幕 | B bruise:伤痕(抚平别人的伤痕,却把自己的伤痛藏起来) | C calm:冷静的(与年龄不相称的冷静)

5. ova:original video animation; 也叫

6. ova:ovum albumin; 卵白蛋白

7. ova:ovaibumin; 卵清白蛋白

8. ova:original video anime; 原创影象动画

ova 词典解释

1. (ovum 的复数)
    Ova is the plural of ovum.

ova 单语例句

1. ova的近义词

1. There were also questions about whether Hwang properly addressed the ova donations in collaboration with a foreign partner and an international scientific publication.

2. This is a black market for ova and it's a tip of the iceberg in Beijing or the country.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. When the moths laid ova on the paper, they flapped their wings and flew out of sight forever.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. In many countries, women selling ova would be doing nothing illegal.

5. A woman may produce more than one ovum or even up to 20 ova after taking the pills.

6. " The ova of belly worm is a sure shot way to commit suicide, " a doctor warned.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. The ministry said in a report the women were not paid and were not coerced into donating ova.

8. The tiny ova proved to be better resident than the sharp pencils.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Ovum donation is much more complicated than sperm donation and so is the preservation of ova.

10. ova

10. When the next spring came, we sent most of the ova to our pals.