
overtone [ˈəʊvətəʊn]  [ˈoʊvərtoʊn] 


overtone 基本解释


名词[乐]陪音,泛音; [无线]谐波; 次要的意义; 暗示,言外之意

overtone 相关例句


1. His words were polite, but there were overtones of anger in his voice.

overtone 网络解释

1. 泛音:关于黄金光,当它在完美的平衡中发生,启动宇宙之蛋或全地球的蓝图,而新生活与能量将在较高层次的觉知状态中产生. 这个过程我们称之为'开悟',此时集体意识被一较高'泛音'(Overtone)光所环绕,并启动在光的宇宙之蛋中新的可能性与潜力.

2. 倍音:波长范围自800~2500 nm,分子在此区的吸收现象是由於分子键结的基本伸缩振动之倍音(overtone)振动及结合(combination)振动,其主要能量吸收区域多为含有氢原子结合的官能基,如O-H、C-H、N-H、S-H等.

3. 谐波:该产品使AT CUT型水晶以无谐波(Overtone)的基本方式震荡. 在12k~20MHz的范围内,相位抖动低于标准的0.7psRMS. 使用10年后的频率变动(老化)为±7ppm以下. 由老化、电压、温度及负荷导致的变动,含初始误差在内的频率误差在±50ppm以内.

4. 谱波:overtime 超限时间 | overtone 谱波 | overtonging 上扣过紧

overtone 词典解释

1. 弦外之音;言外之意;暗示
    If something has overtones of a particular thing or quality, it suggests that thing or quality but does not openly express it.

    e.g. The strike has taken on overtones of a civil rights campaign...
    e.g. It's a quite profound story, with powerful religious overtones.

overtone 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The poses of newly clothed ladies assume an erotic overtone, to say the least.

2. But strangely, the exaggeration they display often imbues their words with a palpable overtone of sarcasm.

3. I don't agree that the Shanghai Metro's message carries a sexist overtone.

4. Performers resonate a low vibrato in their mouth, which they keep going while emitting an additional overtone.

5. The researchers were surprised that the insects could even sense that overtone.

overtone 英英释义


1. a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency

    Synonym: partial partial tone

2. (usually plural) an ulterior implicit meaning or quality

    e.g. overtones of despair