1. 平菇:产地/厂家 上海丰福食用菌科技有限公司 品种 平菇 种类 菌棒 等级 特级 供应平菇(Oyster Mushroom)菌棒 上海上海市
2. 牡蛎蘑菇:阁下在用膳时,当进食美味可口的牡蛎蘑菇(Oyster Mushroom)时,有否想到这样可口的食品是经过不少悉心栽培、改良人,真实今期要介绍的拿破仑杰出成就奖学术界获得主--曹继业博士.
3. 蚝蘑:oyster meat 牡蛎肉 | oyster mushroom 蚝蘑 | oyster opener 剥牡砺器具
4. 油菇:straw mushroom 草菇 | oyster mushroom 油菇 | abalone mushroom 鲍鱼菇
1. Now the white pork is swapped for the healthier oyster mushroom, which tastes similar.
2. Guests can enjoy selections like braised beef oyster blade with mushroom in a clay pot and teppanyaki beef rump.
1. edible agaric with a soft greyish cap growing in shelving masses on dead wood