
oysters ['ɔɪstəz]  ['ɔɪstəz] 


oysters 基本解释
牡蛎( oyster的名词复数 );
oysters 网络解释


1. 牡蛎:这里总是人满为患,尤其是在周日早午餐的时候,熬夜的人们无法抗拒这里顶级的血玛丽酒、熏鲑鱼(lox)和牡蛎(oysters)的诱惑. Delicia(电话:212-242-2002;格林尼治街和华盛顿街之间西11街322号;主菜$12一15;时间:周二至周日晚餐)走下几节台阶,

2. 生蚝:码头上好多生蚝(Oysters)趴在码头上,伸手可及,却没有人去骚扰它们自由自在的生活. 如果在中国,国人会让它有呈现出如此景象吗?

3. 蚝:会遭污染而禁捕的贝类包括蚝(oysters)、贻贝(mussels)、蚌(clams)和扇贝(scallops)等双壳贝. 虾、蟹则不受这类毒素影响,不在禁止捕捞之列.

4. 牡蜊:Oysters 牡蜊 | Mussels 蚌类、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的是淡菜 | Crab 螃蟹

oysters 单语例句

1. oysters

1. Lobster and oysters abound all month, but the cuisines change by the day.

2. The wine of choice to go with either caviar or oysters must be champagne, that celebratory sparkler that puts the twinkle into the eager lover's eye.

3. But what caught our eyes immediately were the rows upon rows of clams, cockles and oysters waiting for selection.

4. oysters在线翻译

4. They are bivalves, but are more closely related to crabs and lobsters than to clams or oysters.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. The layer of residual corn starch or flour will also create a protective layer around the oysters.

6. oysters

6. Oysters that do not spawn are not subject to this cycle and are edible all year round with no loss in size or flavor.

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7. Oysters heavily encrusted with growth and seaweed are older, tougher and probably not properly acclimatized for export.

8. They sailed off to reap oysters last Thursday, and went missing under foggy weather.

9. oysters

9. The oysters imported from France taste luscious, with just a slight briney taste to testify to their freshness.

10. The oysters were fresh and succulent but what held it all together was the creamed spinach and cheese topping.