
pacify [ˈpæsɪfaɪ]  [ˈpæsəˌfaɪ] 





pacify 基本解释

及物动词抚慰; 使(某人)安静; 息怒; 在(有战争的地区、国家等)实现和平

pacify 同义词

动词soothe quiet appease mollify calm tranquilize placate

pacify 反义词


及物动词offend anger provoke irritate

pacify 相关例句


1. More troops were sent to pacify the area.

2. He tried to pacify the protesters with promises of reform.

pacify 网络解释


1. 安抚:--安抚(Pacify)让敌人加入你的阵营,最高持续时间80秒,也是分专注和阴翳两种. 受金枪不倒影响. --麻痹(Paralyze)跟上面一样受Extraduration影响,分2种. 让敌人站着不动,最高80秒. --变异(Polymorph)让敌人变成小老鼠、小青蛙什么的,

2. 橡皮奶头:pachymeter 厚度测量器 | pacify 橡皮奶头 | pacing system analyzer 起搏分析仪

3. 常用词还有:soothe v. 缓和,使安静,安慰 | 常用词还有placate, comfort, relieve, ease, pacify, lighten | incommunicative adj.不爱交际的,沉默寡言的

4. 使平静、安慰、抚慰:ozone 新鲜的空气;臭氧 | pacify 使平静、安慰、抚慰 | painfully 痛苦地

pacify 词典解释

1. 安抚;抚慰;使平静
    If you pacify someone who is angry, upset, or not pleased, you succeed in making them calm or pleased.

    e.g. Is this a serious step, or is this just something to pacify the critics?...
    e.g. She shrieked again, refusing to be pacified.

2. 平定;平息;镇压
    If the army or the police pacify a group of people, they use force to overcome their resistance or protests.

    e.g. Government forces have found it difficult to pacify the rebels...
    e.g. They were eventually pacified by officers of the local police.

...the pacification of the country.
pacify 单语例句

1. The bombing was certain to complicate American efforts to pacify an increasingly violent Iraq.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Suicide bombers have consistently undermined government promises that January elections would pacify the country and violence has raised fears Iraq could slide toward civil war.

3. pacify在线翻译

3. Two players attempted to pacify a man who had been disruptive at a student union dance but were shot when they walked away.

4. pacify的近义词

4. The latest drive to pacify Baghdad is at least the fourth since the war began.

5. Still Fernandez warned that failure to pacify the widening sectarian strife in Iraq as well as an enduring insurgency would damage the entire Middle East.

6. They allegedly threw sausages over the wall to distract and pacify the dogs and jumped the barrier to steal three German shepherds and two Samoyed.

7. And if we don't want to see high allowances kill the reform and want to pacify the public we have to change the existing methods.

8. It is believed to expel evil spirits, shake off trouble and pacify the world.

9. Bush admitted two operations launched last year to pacify Baghdad had failed because of a lack of troops to hold cleared areas.

10. So why have they not done more to redress the problem, just making promises to try to pacify the public uproar?

pacify 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location)

    e.g. The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia

2. cause to be more favorably inclined
    gain the good will of

    e.g. She managed to mollify the angry customer

    Synonym: lenify conciliate assuage appease mollify placate gentle gruntle