page number

page number [peidʒ ˈnʌmbə]  [pedʒ ˈnʌmbɚ] 

page number 基本解释


page number 网络解释

1. 页码:*CPU所产生的逻辑位址分成两个部分:分页码(page number)与页偏移(page offset),分页码为指向分页表的索引,页偏移表示与该分页起始位址的距离. 作业系统必须清楚知道主记忆体中有那些页框被使用了、那些页框未被使用、以及系统中总共页框数目有多少,

2. 页数:wd--查询的关键词(Keyword)pn--显示结果的页数(Page Number)九城昨日宣布2亿Q币挖角腾讯游戏玩家的新闻在业界与玩家中引发了巨大争议. 游戏业界人士纷纷对九城公告进行研究,指出该推广活动暗含玄机,朱骏开始与玩家玩对赌.

3. 表示当前的页面:page-number 表示当前的页面 | page-number-citation 为页面引用页码,此页面包含首个由被引用对象返回的标准区域. | page-sequence-master 规定使用哪个simple-page-master,以及使用次序.

4. 页号:page merging 页合并 | page number 页号 | page numbering 页编号

page number 单语例句

1. page number

1. They can publish the registration number for their business charters on the Web page of their online stores.

2. The number of hits to the page soared by the tens of thousands after the story broke.

3. Li argued the high number of page views was due to a special data magnifying software.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. And advertisements are placed on websites which enjoy higher number of page views and hits.

5. Some websites are so concerned by the number of page hits that they forget their credibility is at stake.

page number 英英释义


1. page number是什么意思

1. the system of numbering pages

    Synonym: pagination folio paging