
pages ['peɪdʒɪz]  ['peɪdʒɪz] 






pages 基本解释
页( page的名词复数 );页面;历史篇章;<文>重要事件;
pages 网络解释

1. 页数:发往(To) 发自(From) 广州佰胜展览有限公司页数(Pages) 共2页 传真(Fax):020-61004210新华社雅加达4月27日电(记者翟景升)据印尼英文日报<<雅加达邮报>>日前报道,随着经济的好转,印尼电力供应不足的问题将更加突出,

2. 页码:期刊作者(Authors).文题(Title).期刊名称(Serial title)卷(Volume)(期(Issue)):页码(Pages)自助建站网站建站系统.<<材料暖处理学报>>已加渗透中国学术期刊(光盘版)中国科技期刊万方数据(ChinaInfo)系统和中国期刊网凡有不同

pages 单语例句

1. pages在线翻译

1. Pages are high school students who act as messengers and helpers for members of Congress.

2. Rural dwellers liked the kind of calendar cards in which people could tear out the pages as the days passed.

3. Most Russian newspapers put Biden's interview on their front pages Monday, with headlines casting doubt on Washington's commitment to forge a more constructive relationship with Moscow.

4. And when we add up all the portal sites, you reach something like 100 million pages downloaded.

5. If I spoke Chinese, most pages would have given me at least a chuckle if not an outright guffaw.

6. pages

6. It is popping up on Facebook pages and discussed in the comments section on YouTube, where the original clip gets a steady stream of views.

7. The following pages showed her partially clothed wearing dog tags while working out, as well as completely nude.

8. pages在线翻译

8. The document runs to five pages of small type and is full of technical terms such as " Multistate 12 MAT adjustable rate rider ".

9. He has captivated millions of people over generations worldwide since he first stepped from the pages of a comic book 77 years ago.

10. pages的反义词

10. The action that started in October this year has already closed hundreds of portals and deleted thousands of Internet pages that carry pornographic contents.