1. 眼睑:palmus 心悸 | palpebra 眼睑 | palpitation 心悸
2. 睑:palp 触须 | palpebra 睑 | palpon 触管
3. 眼睑=>眼瞼:palpation of neck ==> 颈部扪诊,颈部扪诊 | palpebra ==> 眼睑=>眼瞼,まぶた | palpebra inferior ==> 下睑
4. 眼睑 (名):palpate 触诊 (动) | palpebra 眼睑 (名) | palpebral 眼睑的 (形)
1. either of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye
e.g. his lids would stay open no longer