
pamphlet [ˈpæmflət]  [ˈpæmflɪt]


pamphlet 基本解释

名词小册子; 活页文选

pamphlet 相关例句


1. They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment.

pamphlet 网络解释


1. 小册:更多的人阅读报纸、书籍、小册(pamphlet)等等,阅读能力因印刷术广为散播而提高,首次于历史上得以发展出对本乡本土以外的广泛文化认同. 语言间的差异也在同一时候固定下来,裂解为方言,不同语群之间并且相互排斥. 阿拉伯世界在殖民时期,

2. 宣传册:绘画主题, 画的大小, 申请表格(application form)提交方式, 交稿(submit)方式最近的垃圾回收站(collecting station), 哪里查询相关信息, 什么物品可回收(recycle), 宣传册(pamphlet)学生可以在何地读期刊(journal), 学生项目经费来源,

3. 宣传小册:商品目录 catalogue | 宣传小册pamphlet | 货号 article NO.

pamphlet 词典解释

1. pamphlet的意思

1. 小册子
    A pamphlet is a very thin book, with a paper cover, which gives information about something.

pamphlet 单语例句

1. This passionate man of flowers has compiled an illustrated pamphlet of the indigenous flora and distributed it to the villagers in this area.

2. pamphlet

2. The pamphlet states the aims of the subject and explains that the learning and teaching strategies are part of the implementation planning.

3. Is the new book nothing more than an advertising pamphlet for Baisha tobacco?

4. The pamphlet also details the medicinal properties of the flowers, if any.

5. His will had been widely published in pamphlet form, and it was well known that he had freed his slaves.

6. Kunming Party secretary Qiu He said a pamphlet with the contact information of all government officers will soon go on sale in bookstores.

7. Iraqis in the town of Fallujah show a pamphlet announcing the capture of former dictator Saddam Hussein by Iraqi and US forces.

8. pamphlet的意思

8. No contractor listed in the pamphlet provided by the department was prepared to undertake the small job.

9. The pamphlet tells people that plants cannot survive if torn from their roots.

10. Recently, a pamphlet helping people to deal with chunyun hit the streets.

pamphlet 英英释义



1. pamphlet是什么意思

1. a brief treatise on a subject of interest
    published in the form of a booklet

    Synonym: tract


2. a small book usually having a paper cover

    Synonym: booklet brochure folder leaflet