
paradigm [ˈpærədaɪm]  [ˈpærəˌdaɪm, -ˌdɪm] 


paradigm 基本解释

名词范例,样式,模范; 词形变化表

paradigm 词典解释

1. 样板;范式
    A paradigm is a model for something which explains it or shows how it can be produced.

    e.g. ...a new paradigm of production.

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2. 典范;范例
    A paradigm is a clear and typical example of something.

    e.g. He had become the paradigm of the successful man.

paradigm 单语例句

1. Journalism can and must survive even the most calamitous paradigm change if society is ever to right itself and get things right.

2. This roll call of icons is merely the surface expression of a more fundamental shift in China's cultural paradigm.

3. Inherent to this new partnership is a broader paradigm for development that includes more resources, better coordination and more coherence.

4. An alternative paradigm would have to combine realism with a positive global vision.

5. paradigm

5. The adjustment to the new market paradigm is posing a real challenge to car makers, who had enjoyed years of uninterrupted growth until fairly recently.

6. China's efforts to manage the paradigm shift of the domestic economy will present a " new chance " for Japan to boost economic cooperation with China.

7. " We are moving from the old paradigm of donor nations and nations that receive aid, " he said.

8. Some overseas observers call it the " flying geese paradigm ", first used to describe Asian economies taking off one after another after Japan.

9. He believes that handling international relations today needs moderate mediators and not bullies, and has developed a new paradigm to resolve thorny international issues.

10. paradigm在线翻译

10. What is needed to balance currencies is a paradigm shift in the nature of humans.

paradigm 英英释义


1. a standard or typical example

    e.g. he is the prototype of good breeding
           he provided America with an image of the good father

    Synonym: prototype epitome image

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2. the generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time

    e.g. he framed the problem within the psychoanalytic paradigm


3. the class of all items that can be substituted into the same position (or slot) in a grammatical sentence (are in paradigmatic relation with one another)

    Synonym: substitution class

4. systematic arrangement of all the inflected forms of a word