








parading 基本解释
集合接受检阅( parade的现在分词 );游行,列队行进;展示,炫耀;
parading 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The Ministry of Public Security has done the right thing to call a halt to the practice of parading prostitutes in public.

2. Parading on a stage that was covered in pine needles, some contestants carried woven baskets or ceremonial candles from their home regions.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. For most Chinese audiences off the stage, it was the first time they realized that parading beautiful couture could be an occupation.

4. parading的解释

4. I have seen World War II veterans parading in Russia and other countries to celebrate the anniversary of their victory over fascist forces.

5. parading

5. He concluded that Germany had made the right decision, whereas Japan had been parading " historic amnesia ".

6. parading在线翻译

6. Secret execution of death sentences, parading of convicts and other inhumane treatment of prisoners are banned.

7. Madeira celebrates spring every year by decorating the streets and parading floats with thousands of flowers on the streets of Funchal.

8. Parading in Prada and waltzing in Westwood, they are set to sparkle on the catwalk.

9. The first night of parades lasted from Sunday into early yesterday morning with at least four schools parading.

10. Ferrari were parading in front of their home fans with a sixth successive constructors'championship also secured.