parliamentary law

parliamentary law [ˌpɑ:ləˈmentəri: lɔ:]  [ˌpɑrləˈmɛntəri lɔ] 

parliamentary law 基本解释

parliamentary law在线翻译

[法] 议会法

parliamentary law 单语例句

1. parliamentary law

1. The parliamentary sessions in years without election and deliberation on major law amendment or approval used to last about 10 days.

2. parliamentary law是什么意思

2. Kaczynski's identical twin brother Lech was elected president last October, a month after the brother's Law and Justice party won parliamentary elections in September.

3. Defeat in a parliamentary vote later this week would have triggered a new election by law.

4. But the law also says presidential and parliamentary elections are supposed to be held together.

parliamentary law 英英释义

parliamentary law的意思


1. a body of rules followed by an assembly

    Synonym: order rules of order parliamentary procedure