
parole [pəˈrəʊl]  [pəˈroʊl] 







parole 基本解释


名词假释,假释期; [军](俘虏的)释放宣言; [军]口令,暗号

及物动词假释; 使假释出狱; 允许宣誓后释放

parole 相关词组

1. break one's parole : 违誓;

parole 相关例句


1. Prisoners are entitled to apply for parole.

parole 网络解释

1. 假释:我们认为:假释(parole)简言之就是假的释放,就是国家司法机关按照一定程序对符合条件的犯罪分子予以附条件提前释放,使犯罪分子在监督之下执行完剩余刑期的一种刑罚执行制度.

2. 法文:言说:Paradox 反合性 | Parole 法文:言说 | 德文:Rede

3. 监护:parochialism 狭隘主义 | parole 监护 | parolid salive 腮腺涎

parole 词典解释

1. 假释
    If a prisoner is given parole, he or she is released before the official end of their prison sentence and has to promise to behave well.

    e.g. Although sentenced to life, he will become eligible for parole after serving 10 years.

2. 假释(囚犯)
    If a prisoner is paroled, he or she is given parole.

    e.g. He faces at most 12 years in prison and could be paroled after eight years.

parole 单语例句

1. They found out Carter had been incarcerated in Mississippi four times - twice for stealing, once for violating parole and again for a weapons violation.

2. parole的近义词

2. He said the parole board agreed with the indefinite suspension of their sentences, which is different from a pardon or commutation because it comes with conditions.

3. Officials said Fritzl would not be eligible for parole for at least 15 years, and psychiatric experts would have to concur with any decision to free him.

4. Chen is ineligible for parole for 10 to 25 years and must submit DNA to a database of criminal offenders.

5. He faces charges of assault with a deadly weapon and parole violation.

6. Nothing great about that either, except that he is out on parole.

7. parole

7. Fastow must serve all six years because there is no parole in the federal system.

8. A campus police officer found his interaction with the girls suspicious and investigated his background, ultimately alerting his parole officer.

9. Although the defendant has admitted guilt, the jury makes a recommendation of death or life in prison without parole.

10. parole

10. The visit came less than a week after Hilton was reassigned to house arrest days after being jailed for violating parole.

parole 英英释义


1. (law) a conditional release from imprisonment that entitles the person to serve the remainder of the sentence outside the prison as long as the terms of release are complied with

2. parole的意思

2. a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group

    e.g. he forgot the password

    Synonym: password watchword word countersign

3. a promise

    e.g. he gave his word

    Synonym: word word of honor


1. parole

1. release a criminal from detention and place him on parole

    e.g. The prisoner was paroled after serving 10 years in prison