
partially [ˈpɑ:ʃəli]  [ˈpɑ:rʃəli] 

partially 基本解释

副词部分地; 一部分; <古>偏袒地,偏爱地

partially 相关例句


1. He is partially responsible for the accident.

2. The driver is partially to blame for the accident.

partially 网络解释


1. 部分:基于SREBPs被细胞裂解液中的蛋白酶活性切为两个片断的现象,王晓东建立了体外assay,跟踪活性,通过不同性质的一系列纯化柱,部分(partially)纯化到了这个蛋白.

2. 部分地:partially urgent 部分加急 | partially 部分地 | participating memberr 成员

3. 部份地:pareto diagram 排列图 | partially 部份地 | particle 粒子

4. 部分地,不完全地:situated 位于...的 | partially 部分地,不完全地 | rectum 直肠

partially 词典解释

1. 部分地;在某种程度上;有点儿
    If something happens or exists partially, it happens or exists to some extent, but not completely.

    e.g. Lisa is deaf in one ear and partially blind.

partially 单语例句

1. Lakers forward Caron Butler partially tore the tendon in his right pinky in the second quarter.

2. Artest was chafed when he finished second to Wallace last season, partially because of his reputation as a loose cannon.

3. partially的近义词

3. The canoe was only partially completed before it was freighted to China in February and was completed onsite in the Expo Garden.

4. partially的反义词

4. He said 16 items in China's capital account are convertible now, 17 are basically convertible and seven are partially convertible.

5. partially的解释

5. China has been partially relaxing its capital account regulations through reforming its exchange rate formation mechanism.

6. Guo said 16 items in China's capital account are convertible now, 17 are " basically " convertible and seven are " partially " convertible.

7. Gabor uses a wheelchair after being partially paralyzed in a 2002 car accident and suffering a stroke in 2005.

8. Milne said there was no indication of infections in domestic poultry, and no reason to believe the carcass had been partially eaten by a domestic animal.

9. partially的翻译

9. Britain's advertising watchdog has criticized an ad for a clothing company featuring a partially nude model who appeared to be younger than 16.

10. Doctors say trans fat - listed on food labels as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil - can raise bad cholesterol and lower healthy cholesterol.

partially 英英释义


1. in part
    in some degree
    not wholly

    e.g. I felt partly to blame
           He was partially paralyzed

    Synonym: partly part