
parting [ˈpɑ:tɪŋ]  [ˈpɑ:rtɪŋ] 



parting 基本解释


形容词临别的,临别纪念的; 分离的,分隔的; 将要过去的; 临终的,临死的

名词分别,离别; 分界线,分界点; 分离,分裂

动词分开; 断裂; 离去(part的ing形式)

parting 相关例句



1. Only after parting kisses to his wife and children did he get on the train.


1. I meant to go away quietly, but your kindness made the parting doubly hard.

2. They were on the verge of tears at parting.

3. They cried at parting .

4. He used to have a side parting, but now he wants a centre parting.

parting 网络解释


1. 分离:这工作交易或接待时,分离(parting)是下次步骤的开始. 所谓的酒会(party)有自助餐(buffet)、以酒为中心的鸡尾酒会(cooktail)、以及正式的晚宴(dinner party)等方式,这些都是在家里举行. 在欧美,重要的客户常会被邀请到家里吃饭.

2. 分离面:毛边出现在分离面(parting)且已饱和. 1. 降低计量长度.(提高切换到饱压)三. 锁模力(clamping forcc)不足 1. 无过饱和现象. 1. 提高锁模力.2. 提高料筒(cylinder barrel)温度.

3. 分型:oCenter)4.5嵌件腔(InsertPocket)4.6多件模和多腔模布局小测验练习4-1多件模项目:玩具造型(ToyShapes)练习4-2圆周布局4.7删除单个产品的阵列4.8多件模和多腔模布局小测验答案第5章定义型芯和型腔5.1分型(Parting)5.2分型线(Pa

4. 离:<一>要用英文的想法来思考 工作交易或接待时,分离(parting)是下次步骤的开始. 注意几个在告辞时应注意的语言表达. 我们常说(多多关照),在英语中并没有类似说法,一般

parting 词典解释

1. 离别;分手;分别
    Parting is the act of leaving a particular person or place. A parting is an occasion when this happens.

    e.g. Parting from any one of you for even a short time is hard...
    e.g. It was a dreadfully emotional parting.

2. 离别的;分手的
    Your parting words or actions are the things that you say or do as you are leaving a place or person.

    e.g. Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone.
    e.g. ...his bold parting kiss.

3. (头发的)分缝
    The parting in someone's hair is the line running from the front to the back of their head where their hair lies in different directions.

in AM, use 美国英语用 part

4. 分道扬镳
    When there is a parting of the ways, two or more people or groups of people stop working together or travelling together.

    e.g. ...a negotiated parting of the ways for the three Baltic republics.

parting 单语例句

1. The calls of course are traps, designed to con gullible people into parting with their money.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Estrella's departure comes hot on the heels of Lindsay Lohan parting ways with the company after she was brought in as artistic adviser.

3. Everyone's had a painful parting of the ways with a romantic partner.

4. parting的反义词

4. As a parting gift, the premier left paper cranes with some children sheltering in a primary school.

5. Cherie's parting shot makes it clear that she's not yet planning her retirement from public life.

6. parting什么意思

6. The'Pirates Of the Caribbean'actress and her partner announced they are parting after five years earlier this week.

7. But Shatner said it wasn't easy parting with a kidney stone, even if it had already left his body.

8. The president had Gonzales come to lunch at his ranch on Sunday as a parting gesture.

9. The parting with Gillette comes as Woods completes his first professional season without a victory.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. Its outgoing chief miffed the White House anew with his parting comments.

parting 英英释义



1. the act of departing politely

    e.g. he disliked long farewells
           he took his leave
           parting is such sweet sorrow

    Synonym: farewell leave leave-taking

2. a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions

    e.g. his part was right in the middle

    Synonym: part