
partnership [ˈpɑ:tnəʃɪp]  [ˈpɑ:rtnərʃɪp] 


partnership 基本解释

名词伙伴关系; 合作关系; 合伙人身份; 合营公司

partnership 相关例句


1. Joe promised to take me into partnership in his firm.

2. The two companies have entered into partnership for their mutual protection.

3. Johnson's Design is a big partnership.

4. My business was most successful when I formed a good partnership with someone else.

partnership 网络解释

1. 合伙企业:另外,合伙企业(PARTNERSHIP)、个体企业(SOLE PRIERTERSHIP)也符合办理L-1的条件,关键在于海外企业要拥有美国企业. 1)在美国成立公司不需注册资本,只需缴纳州政府规定的注册费用,比如在加州,成立一般股份公司(COORPROATION)的注册费为910美元;

2. 合伙人企业:公司概述(Company Summary)说明公司的历史、性质(是个人独资企业(sole proprietorship), 合伙人企业(partnership), 还是有限责任公司(limited liability company)等),公司的目标,基本产品或服务,运营起步准备等.

partnership 词典解释

1. 伙伴关系;合作关系
    Partnership or a partnership is a relationship in which two or more people, organizations, or countries work together as partners.

    e.g. ...the partnership between Germany's banks and its businesses...
    e.g. Alex and Mikhail were in partnership then: Mikhail handled the creative side; Alex was the financier.

partnership 单语例句

1. BOC spokesperson said the strategic partnership with RBS ended after the stake sale, yet normal business relations between the two banks would remain.

2. The two sides will also launch a newsletter to facilitate information exchange and business partnership between Guangzhou and Hong Kong software sectors.

3. By way of this, mutual understanding and partnership will be achieved.

4. partnership

4. If the conditions are not to the benefit of Chinese companies, it is better to call off any partnership rather than losing companies and brand names.

5. It will also offer an extensive sports development programme, run in partnership with the British Canoe Union.


6. Jiao said the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Shanghai and Hong Kong provides an excellent opportunity enabling the two cities to development their capital markets.

7. China Life Asset Management Co Ltd and Aetos Capital LP have formed a strategic partnership to identify and evaluate real estate investment opportunities throughout China.

8. AREA provided preferred equity and the partnership of Carlyle and Ashkenazy contributed additional capital, he said.

9. China attaches great importance to its relations with Jamaica and stands ready to work with it to further carry forward the partnership for common development.

10. Hu said cementing strategic and cooperative partnership was an important component in China's peripheral diplomacy.

partnership 英英释义



1. a contract between two or more persons who agree to pool talent and money and share profits or losses

2. the members of a business venture created by contract

3. a cooperative relationship between people or groups who agree to share responsibility for achieving some specific goal

    e.g. effective language learning is a partnership between school, teacher and student
           the action teams worked in partnership with the government