party wall

party wall [ˈpɑ:ti wɔ:l]  [ˈpɑrti wɔl] 

party wall 基本解释
party wall 网络解释

party wall的反义词

1. 共用隔墙:partition wall of glass bricks 玻璃块间壁 | party wall 共用隔墙 | pass 通道

2. 界墙:party vote 按政策投票 | party wall 界墙 | party

3. 共用隔墙,共用墙,分户墙:party line telephone ==> 共同加入電話 | party wall ==> 共用隔墙,共用墙,分户墙 | party wire ==> 合用电线,共用线

party wall 单语例句

1. The August slumber party is not the first time extracurricular activities on the Great Wall have enraged the public.

2. party wall的解释

2. Unlike the crazy night party last year the new gimmick will not damage the Great Wall physically.

3. Lindesay recalled how four years ago an Australian TV station provided him with video footage of a rave party at the Great Wall.

4. Crowds thronged the Wall at a rave party held at the Jinshanling section of the Wall this summer.

5. The opposition Liberal party has promised a " reinvigorated diplomatic effort " with China, the Wall Street Journal said.

6. In the room, colored photos of the ten members of the Party branch were hung on the wall.

7. It is too early to say for certain whether a party will be held at the Wall next year.

8. Young party girls dance against the music at the Great Wall party.

9. Previously it was said online that the county's Party chief Liu Jun was removed from the post after the wall aroused public anger.

party wall 英英释义


1. a wall erected on the line between two properties and shared by both owners