
passementerie [pæs'mentərɪ]  [pæs'mentrɪ] 

passementerie 基本解释
passementerie 网络解释


1. 衣服的金银饰带:passel 一批 | passementerie 衣服的金银饰带 | passenger car 客车

2. 金银线花边:passageway 通路 | passementerie 金银线花边 | pasta products 通心面制品

3. 花边(饰带):6945 花边饰品 passmenterie | 6947 花边(饰带) Passementerie | 6949 男子服装用饰带(缝纫品) ribbons

passementerie 双语例句

1. Merriwether, and her stout bust heaved violently beneath its glittering passementerie trimmings.

2. It was most seductive at its most formal, in a tuxedo shown with Moroccan leopard-print slippers, or a butterscotch linen evening jacket trimmed with black passementerie.

passementerie 英英释义


1. passementerie的意思

1. a decoration or adornment on a garment

    e.g. the trimming on a hat
           the trim on a shirt

    Synonym: trimming trim