passing off

passing off

passing off 基本解释
passing off 网络解释

passing off

1. 仿冒:英国法院曾依照其商标法中关于仿冒(Passing off)诉讼有关规定判决域名抢注者返还其抢注的域名. 美国法院也曾认定抢注域名违反了商标淡化法. 根据中国有关驰名商标保护的有关规定,驰名商标商标权的效力是可以延伸到其注册使用商品以外的非类似商品上的.

2. 冒充 , 假冒:party 当事人 | passing off 冒充 , 假冒 | Pearson report 皮尔森报告

passing off 单语例句

1. While passing is prohibited during safety car periods, a driver can move up if a car ahead goes off the circuit.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. One passing motorist took both hands off the steering wheel to make an obscene gesture to reporters.

3. Fung shui practitioner Tony Chan had been passing off his students as " fung shui masters " and sending them to inspect clients'residences.

4. passing off什么意思

4. Arsenal are a great passing side and if you stand off them, they will pass anyone to death.

5. passing off

5. The Trademark Law also prohibits passing off to guarantee the trademark holders obtain corresponding remuneration for their goods and goodwill.

6. The Chinese government's passing of acts that show solicitude for and protect migrant workers was sparked off by Xiong Deming's honest disclosure.

7. The ship was last seen passing through the English Channel after reporting an attack off the coast of Sweden.

8. " The day of passing this law on folk culture protection is not far off, " said Zhou.

9. The bomb went off as three SUVs carrying the contractors were passing through the square.

10. passing off在线翻译

10. Two men on a motorcycle were passing a young woman when the one riding on the back suddenly jumped off and grabbed her cellphone.