形容词被动的; 消极的; 不抵抗的; 冷漠的
1. The slaves gave passive obedience to their master.
2. In spite of my efforts the boy remained passive.
3. His response was passive.
1. 被动的:一种是消极的、被动的(passive)听力,这是很多同学都采用的方法,就是试图去听懂每一个单词,采用这种听法最后只有两种可能:要不就是每个单词都听懂了,但是不明白句子的意思,要不就是在一个生词上耽搁太长的时间,导致后面的几句都没有听清楚.
2. 被动的,消极的:谐音:怕媳妇→怕媳妇,这人真被动的,消极的(passive)谐音:看戏困死→因为看戏所以困死这就是因果关系(consequence)谐音:拍胸→说话动不动就拍胸特有激情(passion)[助记]参考词:seed种子→没有管理,
3. 消极的:具体是由张成泽还是其他强力人物接班还没有得以确认. 但是这并不影响北京的选择和政策. 实际上来说,北京真正应该解决的问题,是在朝鲜问题上报以积极的(positive)还是消极的(passive)态度. 这才是国内对朝鲜问题争论不休的原因所在.
1. 被动的;顺从的;听之任之的
If you describe someone as passive, you mean that they do not take action but instead let things happen to them.
e.g. His passive attitude made things easier for me...
e.g. Even passive acceptance of the regime was a kind of collaboration.
2. 消极的
A passive activity involves watching, looking at, or listening to things rather than doing things.
e.g. They want less passive ways of filling their time.
e.g. ...the passive enjoyment one gets from looking at a painting or sculpture.
3. (抵抗)非暴力的
Passive resistance involves showing opposition to the people in power in your country by not co-operating with them and protesting in non-violent ways.
e.g. They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover.
4. 被动态;被动式
In grammar, the passive or the passive voice is formed using 'be' and the past participle of a verb. The subject of a passive clause does not perform the action expressed by the verb but is affected by it. For example, in 'He's been murdered', the verb is in the passive.
1. Minnesota has a law that says a passive bystander could be considered to have committed a crime and thus punished.
2. For an enterprise to follow its plans without being distracted by difficulties, the management must be quite active instead of passive.
3. The majority of US venture capital funds are managed by general partners, while the limited partners are only passive investors.
4. So it is a kind of " passive creation " in the international capital circulation, and the financial resource allocation efficiency is very low.
5. In the course of compiling the reconstruction program, local people are no longer passive receivers of the program.
6. As we have witnessed in the Republic of Korea and Taiwan, active management practices will always win over passive complacency.
7. Such innovative steps transformed what had once been passive procedures into new proactive ones and brought a successful conclusion to a number of difficult cases.
8. Chinese investors sometimes are passive when it comes to conflicts, but even a simple investment action could be in conflict with many existing interest groups.
9. On the agriculture front, the passive drought relief has exposed how laggard our irrigation and conservancy projects are.
10. Zhang said the passive appreciation of the yuan as a direct result of the weaker dollar will constrain China's exports.