
patented ['pætntɪd]  ['pætntɪd] 







patented 基本解释
patented 网络解释


1. 专利的:patented invention 专利特许发明 | patented 专利的 | patentee 专利权所有人

2. 专利:Passive 被动 | Patented 专利 | periodic testing 定期测试

patented 单语例句

1. Sinoma is known for its patented technology in the production of cement, called the " new dry process ".

2. He patented the system for Chinese character typesetting in Europe in 1982.

3. The company makes money by collecting royalties on the sales of cellphones that use its patented technology and by making chips that power them.

4. patented的意思

4. Losses due to pirated products and the leaking of confidential patented information remain a considerable problem.

5. patented在线翻译

5. China agreed to eliminate the requirement to submit viable biotech seeds for testing, which will reduce the possibility of illegal copying of patented agricultural materials.

6. The certificate is needed for a company to apply for a public stock listing or to advertise a patented product.

7. Plant species cannot be patented under the current legal system in China, though the methods used in their production process may be.

8. Ogo promises 35 per cent more oxygen than typical water, added with a patented process they deem " natural oxygenation ".

9. This investment has paid dividends in terms of an increase in the amount of patented technology coming out of the park.

10. patented的意思

10. A college teacher in China's Sichuan province patented his idea to grow green tea leaves using panda poop as fertilizer.

patented 英英释义



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1. (of devices and processes) protected by patent

    e.g. they are patented inventions