
pathogen [ˈpæθədʒən]  [ˈpæθədʒən] 


pathogen 基本解释


pathogen 网络解释

1. 病原体:相互作用和相互斗争的结果 (一)病原体:(pathogen)指能够引起宿主致病的各类微生物 病原体: 能够引起宿主致病的各类微生物,如细菌,病毒,支原体,衣原体,寄生虫等.病原体侵入宿主 病原体 能够引起宿主致病的各类微生物 机体后能否致病,

2. 病原:一、症状(symptom) 病斑以叶脉为界,呈多角形,多数愈合成不规则的大斑. 病斑赤褐色,周围往往有黄色晕圈,以后长出黑色霉状小粒点,这是病菌的分生孢子梗和分生孢子. 二、病原(pathogen)&...

3. 病菌:史密斯博士也指出,对老年人来说,药物治疗、消化失调、慢性疾病、身体失能和 精神沮丧等,都会导致胃口不佳,以致营养失调;而好的营养,是维持免疫系统强健的 重要因素;一旦营养失调,病菌(pathogen)就会趁虚而入,提高感染疾病(包括食

4. 病原菌:而自身不能合成的化合物 如维生素、某些氨基酸、嘌呤、嘧啶等 流感嗜血杆...细菌的感染(bacterial infection)或传染 细菌侵入宿主机体后,进行生长繁殖、释放毒性物质等引起不同程度的病理过程致病菌或病原菌(pathogen):能使宿主致病的细菌非致病菌或非病原菌(nonpathogenic bacterium,

pathogen 词典解释

1. 病原体
    A pathogen is any organism which can cause disease in a person, animal, or plant.

pathogen 单语例句

1. They can contract the disease from adults who often carry the pathogen.

2. pathogen是什么意思

2. Herpes simplex virus type 1 is a common human pathogen that causes cold sores.

3. The risk that a child can fall sick or die from a dangerous pathogen is significantly larger.

4. pathogen的近义词

4. Pathogen detection is now one of the most important strategies scientists are using to prevent the introduction of bacteria into the food chain.

5. This suggests few changes are needed to make any bird influenza virus into a easily passed human pathogen.

6. Health officials in Quanzhou blamed the pathogen variation and poor medical facilities for the deaths.

7. pathogen

7. Group A Streptococcus is a common human pathogen that causes skin and soft tissue infection, sore throat and other forms of sepsis.

8. " Streptococcus suis " is the name of the pig pathogen that infected humans in Sichuan Province this year.

9. The officers said they had destroyed the soybeans to avoid spread of the pathogen.

10. pathogen

10. " Streptococcus suis " is the name of the pig pathogen affecting human health in China's Sichuan Province earlier this year.

pathogen 英英释义


1. any disease-producing agent (especially a virus or bacterium or other microorganism)