
patina [ˈpætɪnə]  [pəˈti:nə]

第三人称复数:patinas; patinae

patina 基本解释


名词绿锈; (青铜器上的)铜绿; (旧木器等表面)年久而产生的光泽; 神情

patina 网络解释

1. 铜绿:防腐蚀性能与铜绿Patina 即使在极度腐蚀性的大气环境中,太古铜板都会连续形成坚固、无毒的钝化保护层,俗称铜绿(Patina),铜绿的化学成分取决于所在地区的空气条件;工业区和大城市等空气污染严重地区主要以硫化铜盐成分为主,

2. 绿锈:虽然铂金是金属中硬度最强的金属,但是它仍然可以被雕刻并且逐渐显现出一层古色古香的绿锈(patina)色彩. 许多人比较偏爱铂金这种独特的外表. 如果你喜欢这种光泽,珠宝商可以把你的珠宝打磨出原始的光泽,同时,

patina 词典解释

1. (物体表面形成的)薄层
    A patina is a thin layer of something that has formed on the surface of something.

    e.g. The trophy is very impressive and rather special because it has a beautiful green patina...
    e.g. He allowed a fine patina of old coffee to develop around the inside of the mug.

2. (旧东西年深日久产生的)包浆,光泽
    The patina on an old object is an attractive soft shine that has developed on its surface, usually because it has been used a lot.

    e.g. ...a mahogany door that is golden brown with the patina of age.

3. (有点儿…的)样子
    If you say that someone has a patina of a quality or characteristic, you mean that they have a small but impressive amount of this quality or characteristic.

    e.g. ...a superficial patina of knowledge...
    e.g. Except for a patina of charisma, he was like a thousand other bright young men in Toronto.

patina 单语例句

1. It is understandable that simplification of characters destroys the patina of a superior and sophisticated culture so enshrined in the beautiful Chinese calligraphy.

2. It came in a purple clay teapot, burnished with a glowing patina and gently steaming on a piece of slate.

3. The elaborate contraption has not been used for a long time, as evidenced by the thick patina of moss.

4. Our footprints have darkened the centuries old patina that adorns the steps leading to most of Xizhou's historic complexes.

5. He only requested one minor change be made, that its patina be made a little darker.

patina 英英释义


1. a fine coating of oxide on the surface of a metal