pay back

pay back [pei bæk]  [pe bæk] 

pay back 基本解释

偿还; 偿付; 报答; 报复

pay back 相关例句


1. How can we pay you back for your great help?

pay back 网络解释

1. 危險人物:好莱坞巨星梅尔.吉布森(Mel Gibson)在他的新片<<危险人物>>(Pay Back) 中开始了他从影以来的全新尝试, 出演一位亦正亦邪的黑道人物,英雄神采仍然不减当年.

2. 偿还(借款等回报:pat sb. on the back 对某人表示赞许 . | pay back 偿还(借款等回报 . | pay for 偿还;受到惩罚 .

pay back 词典解释

1. 偿还
    If you pay back some money that you have borrowed or taken from someone, you give them an equal sum of money at a later time.

    e.g. He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing to pay back everything he had stolen...
    e.g. I'll pay you back that two quid tomorrow.

2. 报复;惩罚
    If you pay someone back for doing something unpleasant to you, you take your revenge on them or make them suffer for what they did.

    e.g. Some day I'll pay you back for this!

pay back 单语例句

1. pay back在线翻译

1. Wu's parents gave Wu the money and asked him to pay it back by himself.

2. pay back是什么意思

2. Prosecutors said she had no economic strength and no management capacity and did not intend to pay the money back.

3. The captain requested passengers pay close attention to closely watch the suspect, and the plane was taken back to the parking area reserved for safety concerns.

4. pay back的意思

4. China's Ministry of Health has urged all overseas students to pay attention to their health before they come back.

5. pay back什么意思

5. She accidentally brings about dramatic changes in the life of a rich customer, who decides to pay her back and make her dream come true.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. And it would be even tougher for the creditor if the entrusted firm refuses to pay back the debt it has collected.

7. If it starts printing some " new drachma " to pay back bondholders, it will be almost impossible to borrow more.

8. With those projects accomplished, it will be much easier for the DRC to pay back its debts to FGH.

9. People in the poll were asked to what extent they would reciprocate an act of kindness or in contrast pay back an insult.

10. This process could feed on itself, because as the yen appreciates it takes more foreign currency to pay back those loans.

pay back 英英释义

pay back的意思


1. take vengeance on or get even

    e.g. We'll get them!
           That'll fix him good!
           This time I got him

    Synonym: pay off get fix

2. act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions

    Synonym: reward repay