peace talks

peace talks

peace talks 单语例句

1. The moves come as the Palestinians are increasingly seeking unilateral moves toward statehood that would bypass peace talks.

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2. The spokesman was responding to Powell's appeal for Beijing to respond to Chen's call for peace talks in his speech on October 10.

3. peace talks什么意思

3. Moderate Palestinian leaders called the killings a " genocide " and threatened to call off peace talks.

4. peace talks是什么意思

4. Carter helped shape the 1978 Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt, which provided a framework for Middle East peace talks.

5. He noted that only through dialogue and talks can the peninsula's peace and stability be safeguarded.

6. The images of carnage could only fuel new hatreds and radicalize some who felt that peace talks offer more hope than resistance.

7. India is adamant that peace talks should follow an incremental path, covering all issues of bilateral contention rather than concentrating solely on Kashmir.

8. The nascent peace talks haven't made much headway, with old disputes about land and terrorism clouding the negotiators'early meetings.

9. His comments came at a regular news conference after Chen called on Sunday for peace talks and " code of conduct " across the Taiwan Straits.

10. The Tigers and Colombo began peace talks in September 2002 but the guerrillas pulled out in April 2003.